August 10, 2020 Update



Took advantage of a quick break in the weather to disc up 6 food plots on the Linn County Missouri wetland. Five were on the south end of the west marsh and one approximately 5 acre plot on the south end of the east marsh. We spread 300 pounds of Japanese millet and the conditions were ideal, good and muddy after a nice rain shower.


The holding lake is full and ready to go. We will not move any water for teal season since it takes millet 60 days to mature. At this time there is huntable teal water in the bar ditches on both of the south pools that were drained.


September 30, 2024 Update

Upland Bird Let’s not forget the Upland Bird Hunters. Below are a couple field shots shared with us by 28-year member Allen. Thanks and hope

September 27, 2024 Update

Waterfowl Linn A holding lake full and ready to move the end of October. 10 acre milo food plot close to maturity and ready to

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