Hello Jon and Susie,
Wanted to shoot over a recap of my 2022 turkey season. Like many other hunters, my season was plagued by very poor and erratic weather. I didn’t have near as much time to hunt early in the season as I typically do. By the time my schedule was freed up in May, the weather had warmed up to an uncomfortable weather.
With that being said, I still had a very good season. I only hunted “new” farms this season, I never stepped foot on any of my traditional haunts. I heard or saw birds on each farm I hunted, and eventually bagged a beautiful bird on a true hidden gem of a property. I had a number of close calls with gobblers early in the season, but I’m grateful they didn’t pan out as I wouldn’t have learned as many properties as I ended up learning.
Thanks again for all you do. Upland bird season will be upon us in the blink of an eye, fingers crossed for a good hatch. JL