April 13, 2022 Update


Hi Susie and Jon,

My eleven year old daughter and I just returned from our first trip as new MAHA members. We hunted the KS and MO youth turkey hunts.

Monday, April 4, we left Tennessee at 1:30 AM and accomplished our goal of reaching St. Louis by sunrise. Fourteen hours after leaving home, we arrived in (delete, KS and drove by all the MAHA leased land in (delete) County, KS before checking into our hotel.

Tuesday, April 5, we began by hunting (delete) County, KS. We found turkey tracks in the road there the day prior. Monday evening, the wind started blowing hard and continued throughout the week. I thought I heard one gobble off property toward the SW. We headed that way, confirmed what I heard, but the bird was unresponsive to calling. We did flush ten teal from a small pond and a covey of quail at the head of a ditch. Plus, we heard pheasant and saw what I think was a prairie chicken. Lots of old deer droppings from November, December on the East side of the property.

We drove around that afternoon to see MAHA properties in (delete), (delete), and (delete) Counties. The tenant on the property spotted us at the road, stopped to say Hi, and then showed us around. We really appreciated his kindness; lots of good stories from a lifetime on that land.

Wednesday, April 6, we hunted (delete) County, KS. Heard a gobble shortly after leaving the truck and while we stood in a corn field with wood ducks buzzing all around. We tried our best to flank what turned about to be a mixed flock of about ten with two gobblers, jakes, and hens. No luck. They quickly moved off property. We set a ground blind and decoys. The birds returned about 2:30, and my daughter missed three times.

Thursday, April 7, back to (delete) County, Unit A, 2a. Turkeys roosted off property. We checked out of our hotel and started driving East searching for better weather. We drove by MAHA leased land in (delete), (delete), (delete), and (delete) counties. The wind and cold were unreal.

Drove through the night to (delete) County, KS.

Friday, April 8, we hunted (delete) County. Heard one gobble near the river. Drove to MO.

Saturday, April 9, we hunted (delete) County. Multiple birds gobbling in timber to North of the property. Saw 15 deer.

Lots of adventures. We encountered game on every property we stepped foot on.

Misadventures… Thursday afternoon my tire pressure sensor went off when we were 15 miles from the nearest gas station. Four ply, standard duty tires are not built for minimum maintenance roads. A tiny pebble wedged just right was all it took. We got by stopping to add air every few hours until I got to a tire shop on Friday morning.

Poison ivy… my daughter played on the ground in the turkey blind for hours. There were dormant poison ivy roots in the soil. Started as a red face that I mistook for windburn. Ended up in the ER in (delete), MO with extreme swelling. Doing better now with steroids and Benadryl.

Can’t wait to go back. Pic of my daughter on our first full day in KS.


P.S. Truck’s trip odometer has us at 2,700 miles and 52 hours of truck time.

Athena 1st yr member

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