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Mid-America Hunting Association
Eastern and Rio Grande Turkey, three states, eight-week spring season, four spring tags, plus additional fall tags.
Every farm has been physically scouted and leased directly from the landowner.
All farms are posted and mapped on county road maps with aerial photos and GPS coordinates.
All hunting is controlled by a telephone or online reservation/map system to ensure each day you have a farm or spot reserved for your exclusive use.
Zero in on one state and one tag or attempt to hunt multiple states and fill multiple tags. Up to 4 spring turkey tags may be purchased.
The Mid-America Hunting Association’s spring turkey season is 8 weeks long.
Kansas leases cover all Management Units except Unit 4 which is extreme Southwest Kansas. The Northern and Eastern regions traditionally have the largest concentration of turkey on MAHA leased land.
The Kansas land is predominately Eastern Turkey but also includes Rio Grande Turkey in the Northwest region.
Residents and non-residents can purchase a Kansas Spring Turkey Permit. In addition, a valid hunting license is required. Non-resident turkey permits are available by draw only.
The spring turkey season is 8 weeks long which includes a youth and archery only season prior to the firearms season.
Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Turkey hunting is allowed all day.
Limit: One bearded turkey per permit.
Missouri has always been one of the top, if not top spring turkey states in the country. 2024 spring season Missouri harvested 47,121 birds. Missouri turkey are the Eastern.
Tags can be purchased over the counter or online. Small Game permits are not required to purchase a spring turkey tag. Fall tags are also available.
The spring season is three weeks long. Shooting hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
Limit: Two bearded birds during the season: Only one bird during the first week; If you don’t take one during the first week, you may take two during the second and third week; You may not take two turkeys on the same day.
Land in south central Iowa Zone 4, which overlaps Iowa Deer Units 4 and 5 with timber and creek bottoms similar to north Missouri.
One non-resident spring turkey tag by draw with a high draw ratio.. The draw period is usually the month of January.
Land overlaps Iowa deer zones 4 and 5.
There are four split spring turkey seasons.
Shooting hours one half hour before sunrise to sunset. Turkey hunting is allowed all day.
Our Iowa success ratio is typically the highest of all 3 states, but the tags are expensive and you can only harvest one bird.
The same scenario for deer holds true for turkey. We currently have over 160,000 acres in 3 states spread across 76 counties. During the 2024 season, we had 940 turkey hunting spots. The average turkey spot is 160 acres m/l.
During the 2024 season MAHA hosted 190 total spring turkey hunters spread across 3 states for 3 seasons from early April through May 31st. If all 190 turkey hunters hunted at the same time, that would average 842 m/l acres per hunter. Not all our land has a huntable turkey population, but most of it does. Note: Members can hunt multiple states for multiple seasons, so those members will be counted numerous times.
Below is the number of spring turkey hunters by state that hunted MAHA land during the 2024 season.
© 2024 All Right Reserved.
Mid-America Hunting Association
© 2024 All Rights Reserved
Mid-America Hunting Association
Allen County
Acreage: 160
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Moran
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Anderson County
Acreage: 915
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Garnett, Harris
Pricinple Game: Deer
Atchison County
Acreage: 2360
Deer Unit: 10
Nearest City: Atchison, Effingham
Pricinple Game: Deer, Duck, Goose, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail, Fishing
Bourbon County
Acreage: 320
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Fort Scott
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Strip Pit Fishing
Cloud County
Acreage: 820
Deer Unit: 8
Nearest City: Clyde
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Coffey County
Acreage: 1400
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Burlington, Le Roy
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Crawford County
Acreage: 1840
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Arma, Farlington
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Strip Pit Fishing
Dickinson County
Acreage: 80
Deer Unit: 8
Nearest City: Abiline
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Doniphan County
Acreage: 225
Deer Unit: 10
Nearest City: Denton, Troy
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Edwards County
Acreage: 2000
Deer Unit: 17
Nearest City: Kinsley
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Elk County
Acreage: 2500
Deer Unit: n/a
Nearest City: Fall River
Pricinple Game: Turkey
Finney County
Acreage: 640
Deer Unit: 17
Nearest City: Garden City
Pricinple Game: Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Graham County
Acreage: 1920
Deer Unit: 1
Nearest City: WaKeeney, Hill City
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Gray County
Acreage: 160
Deer Unit: 18
Nearest City: Ensign
Pricinple Game: Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Jewell County
Acreage: 7370
Deer Unit: 7
Nearest City: Jewell
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Dove, Pheasant, Quail
Kiowa County
Acreage: 13620
Deer Unit: 16 & 17
Nearest City: Greensburg, Haviland
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Linn County
Acreage: 900
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: LaCyne
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Marshall County
Acreage: 3315
Deer Unit: 9
Nearest City: Frankfort
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Miami County
Acreage: 1440
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Wagstaff
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Mitchell County
Acreage: 2440
Deer Unit: 7
Nearest City: Beloit, Hunter
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Nemaha County
Acreage: 7884
Deer Unit: 9 & 10
Nearest City: Centralia, Seneca
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Goose, Pheasant, Quail
Norton County
Acreage: 2780
Deer Unit: 1 & 3
Nearest City: Norton
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Turkey, Quail, Pheasant
Osage County
Acreage: 1510
Deer Unit: 10 & 14
Nearest City: Melvern, Osage City
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Osborne County
Acreage: 3060
Deer Unit: 3
Nearest City: Alton
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Ottawa County
Acreage: 630
Deer Unit: 8
Nearest City: Minneapolis, Oak Hill
Pricinple Game: Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Phillips County
Acreage: 1200
Deer Unit: 3
Nearest City: Long Island
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Pottawatomie County
Acreage: 330
Deer Unit: 9
Nearest City: Onaga
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Republic County
Acreage: 9730
Deer Unit: 8
Nearest City: Belleville, Cuba
Pricinple Game: Deer, Dove, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Rooks County
Acreage: 2165
Deer Unit: 3
Nearest City: Stockton, Woodston
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Sheridan County
Acreage: 640
Deer Unit:
Nearest City: Studley
Pricinple Game: Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Sherman County
Acreage: 1760
Deer Unit: 1
Nearest City: Edson
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Smith County
Acreage: 693
Deer Unit: 3
Nearest City: Gaylord
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Trego County
Acreage: 320
Deer Unit: 2
Nearest City: WaKeeney
Pricinple Game: Whitetail & Mule Deer, Pheasant, Quail
Washington County
Acreage: 3660
Deer Unit: n/a
Nearest City: Linn, Palmer
Pricinple Game: Turkey, Pheasant, Quail
Woodson County
Acreage: 3220
Deer Unit: 11
Nearest City: Yates Center
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Andrew County
Acreage: 1620
Nearest City: Fillmore
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Atchison County
Acreage: 2360
Nearest City: Fairfax, Tarkio
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Goose, Pheasant, Quail,
Bates County
Acreage: 9527
Nearest City: Rich Hill, Butler
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Buchanan County
Acreage: 2084
Nearest City: Rushville
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Duck, Goose, Quail
Caldwell County
Acreage: 1710
Nearest City:
Pricinple Game: Deer, Dove, Pheasant, Quail, Turkey
Callaway County
Acreage: 980
Nearest City: Fulton
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Duck, Goose, Quail
Carroll County
Acreage: 165
Nearest City: Norborne
Pricinple Game: Goose
Cass County
Acreage: 5030
Nearest City: East Lynne
Pricinple Game: Deer, Dove, Duck, Goose, Turkey
Clay County
Acreage: 55
Nearest City: Liberty
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Clinton County
Acreage: 615
Nearest City: Gower
Pricinple Game: Deer, Dove, Quail, Turkey
Cooper County
Acreage: 1502
Nearest City: Blackwater
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Daviess County
Acreage: 480
Nearest City: Jameson, Kidder, McFall,
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Gentry County
Acreage: 1260
Nearest City: Gentry, McFall
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Grundy County
Acreage: 2550
Nearest City: Spickard, Tindall
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Harrison County
Acreage: 3080
Nearest City: Eagleville, Mt. Moriah
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Pheasant
Henry County
Acreage: 1785
Nearest City: Urich
Pricinple Game: Waterfowl, Deer
Holt County
Acreage: 1330
Nearest City: Maitland, Mound City
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Howard County
Acreage: 450
Nearest City: New Franklin
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Johnson County
Acreage: 180
Nearest City: Warrensburg
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Fishing, Duck, Goose
Knox County
Acreage: 710
Nearest City: Novelty
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail
Linn County
Acreage: 6670
Nearest City: Chula, Loredo, Linneus
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Goose
Livingston County
Acreage: 1700
Nearest City: Blue Mound, Chillicothe
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Goose
Mercer County
Acreage: 1765
Nearest City: Princeton, Spickard
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Nodaway County
Acreage: 80
Nearest City: Maryville
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Pheasant
Pettis County
Acreage: 862
Nearest City: Green Ridge
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Platte County
Acreage: 555
Nearest City: Iatan, Platte City
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Goose
Polk County
Acreage: 3405
Nearest City: Bolivar
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Ray County
Acreage: 3895
Nearest City: Braymer, Knoxville
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Quail, Fishing
Saline County
Acreage: 3640
Nearest City: Arrow Rock, Gilliam
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Sullivan County
Acreage: 180
Nearest City: Browning
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Dove, Quail
Taney County
Acreage: 1460
Nearest City: Protem
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Worth County
Acreage: 980
Nearest City: Sheridan
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey
Decatur County
Acreage: 690
Deer Zone: 4 and 5
Nearest City: Lamoni
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail
Marion County
Acreage: 220
Deer Zone: 5
Nearest City: Bussey
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail
Montgomery County
Acreage: 1245
Deer Zone: 4
Nearest City: Red Oak and Stanton
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail
Ringgold County
Acreage: 1260
Deer Zone: 4
Nearest City: Mount Ayr and Ellston
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail
Taylor County
Acreage: 1790
Deer Zone: 4
Nearest City: Bedford and Sharpsburg
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail
Wayne County
Acreage: 1545
Deer Zone: 5
Nearest City: Allerton and Humeston
Pricinple Game: Deer, Turkey, Pheasant and Quail