October 18, 2021 Update


Linn County Missouri, Unit A

The blinds are covered, and we are moving the holding lake water to fill the blind 5 and wade-in 6 shooting pools Thursday.  

Blind 5 was moved 100 yards west of where it was before.


Blind 5


Blind 9 shooting pool

As of Saturday, on the east marsh blind 1 is the only spot with water but it looks real good.  Blind 2 is covered and ready to go but we need some good rain. 

NOTE: The dirt path from the parking area to the west marsh crosses several terraces that have deep ruts. Be careful and drive around the ruts to the south!


Blind 1 in the background


September 30, 2024 Update

Upland Bird Let’s not forget the Upland Bird Hunters. Below are a couple field shots shared with us by 28-year member Allen. Thanks and hope

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Waterfowl Linn A holding lake full and ready to move the end of October. 10 acre milo food plot close to maturity and ready to

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