December 16, 2022 Update


Jon & Susie

Thanks again for all the wonderful work you guys do keeping this club running smoothly. With time for recreation becoming more and more difficult to carve out of our busy lives the ability to show up and hunt these great properties is invaluable!

Here is the picture of my archery deer this year was a quick hunt but after years of hunting this farm, I knew where I needed to be.

Feel free to share on your website or Facebook or both.

PS: My son took probably one of the largest-bodied whitetails I have ever seen while we were hunting together on club ground but I’ll let him share that story!

July 27, 2024 Update

Deer Nice buck taken by second year member from the 2023 season. Congrats and good luck this fall!

July 22, 2024 Update

Waterfowl Food Plots This spring and summer we have had more rainfall around our wetlands than we’ve seen in a long time. The rivers nearby

July 17, 2024 Update

Turkey Father son double this past spring. Member since 2003. Congrats once again and good luck this coming season which is approaching fast!

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