July 28, 2023 Update


Every hunt I went on this spring was excellent – multiple gobbling Toms on every farm I hunted, and saw good numbers of Jakes and hens on every farm as well.  In fact, I had a group of 11 Jakes mess up a spot during Kansas archery when they came through and pushed all the Toms out. 

I ended up shooting both my Missouri birds and both birds in Kansas as well – that unit 2 bird is a hike from KC! The weather was mostly good, with some cold mornings, and snow during the Kansas opener though!

While most reports are showing numbers are down, the farms I hunted seemed better than they have been for years, and with all the Jakes I saw, I’m already excited for next year.

September 18, 2024 Update

Deer Second year member off to a good start opening day. Congrats on a great buck and thanks for sharing with everyone! Congratulations, Matthew!

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